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Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) - provides financial assistance to eligible households to help pay the cost of home energy bills and other energy related services.

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Aiming for Healthy Families, Inc.

Our mission is to offer comprehensive relationship skills and tobacco prevention programs across the region, empowering families to lead improved lives. By delivering information and training, we aim to foster healthier decisions for youth and their families. Equipping them with essential tools, we strive to address various challenges linked with high-risk behaviors, including teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, substance abuse, tobacco and alcohol use, violence, and school dropout rates.

Address: 609 N Fillmore Street, Corinth, MS 38834


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Bolivar County Community Action Agency, Inc.

BCCAA provides a variety of services ranging from preschool childcare to a senior companion program; from a transitional and homeless shelter to a Homeless Prevention Rapid Re-housing Program; from an adolescent opportunity program to a general education diploma program; from utility/rental assistance to education assistance.

Address: 810 E Sunflower Rd #120, Cleveland, MS 38732

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Child Care Payment Program - Mississippi Department of Human Services

Child Care Payment Program (CCPP) is designed to provide qualifying parents and guardians with child care tuition assistance. Parents may choose any type of child care while participating in the program.

Address: 200 South Lamar St., Jackson, MS 39201

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Child Support - Mississippi Department of Human Services

Children benefit when they are supported by both parents. The Child Support Program helps fathers establish paternity, and assists custodial parents by working to ensure they receive regular, dependable, financial and medical support for their children. YoungWilliams is contracted to operate Mississippi's Child Support program on behalf of the Mississippi Department of Human Services (MDHS).

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Community Services - Mississippi Department of Human Services

Community Action Agencies throughout the state provide a wide range of community services, including utility assistance, mortgage and rental assistance, and help paying for education and training. 

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Covered Services - Mississippi Division of Medicaid

Medicaid will provide transportation assistance to eligible persons for travel to medical appointments when there are no other means of getting to and/or from the appointment.

Address: 550 High Street, Suite 1000, Jackson, MS 39201

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Creating Housing Options in Communities for Everyone (CHOICE) Program

CHOICE provides rental assistance to make housing affordable for individuals with serious mental illness. Community Mental Health Centers provide services appropriate to the individual based on their individual needs.


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Doors of Hope Transition Ministries

Doors of Hope Transition Ministries helps families through financial crises.  We work with families who are currently homeless and with families who are at imminent risk of losing their home, offering emergency financial assistance with rent or utilities, financial literacy/budgeting programs, and continuing education.

Address: 924 Van Buren Ave., Oxford, MS 38655

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The Mission First Legal Aid Office provides civil legal assistance to individuals who are unable to afford a private attorney.

Address: 858 North Street, Jackson, MS 39202


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Mississippi Department of Employment Security

The Mississippi Department of Employment Security connects Mississippians with employment opportunities, offers job training, and administers the unemployment benefits program.

Address: 1235 Echelon Parkway, Jackson, MS 39213

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Mississippi Financial Aid

Mississippi provides financial aid for students to go to college. 

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Mississippi Home Corporation

Mississippi Home Corporation helps Mississippians finance an affordable home and helps renters find affordable rental units.

Address: 735 Riverside Dr, Jackson, MS 39202

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Sacred Heart Southern Missions Ministry of Tate County

Sacred Heart Southern Missions provides direct aid through food pantries, clothing, gasoline, rent and utilities assistance, offers assistance for families applying for state and federal benefits,and  offers GED diploma classes, parenting classes and adult continuing education classes.

Address: 6050 Hwy 161, Walls, MS 38680


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SNAP - Mississippi Department of Human Services

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides monthly benefits that help low-income households buy food. A list of county offices is available at

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Stewpot Services including a community kitchen, food pantry, Meals on Wheels, an emergency shelter for homeless women and children and the Housing Assistance program that helps people move from homelessness into stable housing by providing short-term rental subsidies.

Address: 1100 W. Capitol St, Jackson, MS 39203


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Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - Mississippi Department of Human Services

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program provides cash assistance and services to families with children under the age of 18. TANF allows parents and guardians to find jobs and job training while meeting the family’s most basic needs. A list of county offices is available at

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The Baptist Children's Village

The Baptist Children's Village Dorcas Program helps families in obtaining community services such as health care, education, and child care and offers classes on parenting, financial planning and nutrition. Visit here to view list of locations

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The Housing Choice Voucher

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program is the federal government’s major program for providing housing assistance to over 2.3 million American families. For more information and to apply, contact local public housing agency at

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